.. meta:: :description: Orange Textable Prototypes documentation, Theatre Classique widget :keywords: Orange, Textable, Prototypes, documentation, Theatre Classique, widget .. _Theatre Classique: Theatre Classique ================= .. image:: figures/Theatre_Classique_54.png Import theater plays from the `theatre-classique `_ website (in TEI-XML). Author ------ Aris Xanthos Signals ------- Inputs: None Outputs: * ``Text data`` Segmentation covering the content of imported TEI-XML-encoded theatre plays Description ----------- This widget is designed to import one or more theatre plays in Orange Canvas. The plays are retrieved from ``_ and richly encoded in TEI-XML format. The output is a segmentation containing a segment for each imported play. Each segment has 5 annotations with keys *author*, *title*, *year*, *genre*, and *url*. The interface of **Theatre Classique** is available in two versions, according to whether or not the **Advanced Settings** checkbox is selected. Basic interface ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In its basic version (see :ref:`figure 1 ` below), the **Theatre Classique** widget simply lets the user select one or more plays in the catalogue of about 800 entries downloadable from the `theatre-classique `_ website. To select multiple files use either control/command-click or shift-click. .. _theatre_classique_fig1: .. figure:: figures/theatre_classique_basic_interface.png :align: center :alt: Basic interface of the Theatre Classique widget Figure 1: **Theatre Classique** widget (basic interface). The **Options** section allows the user to define the label of the output segmentation (**Output segmentation label**). The **Info** section indicates the number of segments and characters in the output segmentation, or the reasons why no segmentation is emitted (no title selected, connection issues, etc.). The **Send** button triggers the emission of a segmentation to the output connection(s). When it is selected, the **Send automatically** checkbox disables the button and the widget attempts to automatically emit a segmentation at every modification of its interface. Advanced interface ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The advanced version of **Theatre Classique** (see :ref:`figure 2 ` below)offers the same functionality as the basic one, and it adds the possibility of selecting only the plays of a given author/genre/title. .. _theatre_classique_fig2: .. figure:: figures/theatre_classique_advanced_interface.png :align: center :alt: Advanced interface of the Theatre Classique widget Figure 2: **Theatre Classique** widget (advanced interface). The **Options** and **Info** sections, as well as the **Send** button and **Send automatically**, operate in the same way as in the basic interface. Messages -------- Information ~~~~~~~~~~~ * segments sent to output ( characters).* This confirms that the widget has operated properly. Warnings ~~~~~~~~ *Settings were changed, please click 'Send' when ready.* Settings have changed but the **Send automatically** checkbox has not been selected, so the user is prompted to click the **Send** button (or equivalently check the box) in order for computation and data emission to proceed. *Please select one or more titles.* The widget instance is not able to emit data to output because no theatre play has been selected. Errors ~~~~~~ *Couldn't download data from theatre-classique website.* An error has prevented the widget to download the data from the theatre-classique (most likely related to a connection problem).